You'll never work alone You'll never work alone

Episode 1 : We are all CSL

Find out what CSL is.

  • Defends your interests Defends your interests

    The CSL defends the interests of more than 600,000 members by drafting opinions on bills and socio-economic analyses, and by appointing representatives to Social Security bodies, the Labour Court and various advisory bodies.
    The CSL defends your quality of life, your purchasing power, your rights and your social entitlements.

  • Keeps you informed Keeps you informed

    The CSL publishes and makes available thematic works on labour law, social security, taxation and well-being at work.
    It offers publications dealing with socio-economic subjects and drafts position papers feeding into socio-economic debates in Luxembourg.

  • Helps you progress Helps you progress

    The CSL contributes to the organisation of initial vocational training. At the crossroads of initial training, continuing training and the working world, the CSL's continuing training centre Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre (LLLC), offers continuing training tailored to the needs and aspirations of employees.

Social elections are held every 5 years. Employees vote to elect the members of the staff delegation in their company and CSL national members.

Shape CSL

How to vote How to vote

A ballot corresponding to your professional category will be sent to your home address by post. Fill it in and return it to your polling station using the prepaid envelope.

Watch the tutorial video below!

Why vote?

  • I want to maintain my purchasing power.
  • I’m worried about my retirement.
  • I want to be informed about my rights.

Who can vote?

In March 2024, more than 600,000 people, employees working in Luxembourg, pensioners, apprentices and jobseekers, regardless of their nationality or place of residence, are invited to take part in the election of their representatives in the Chamber of Employees.
By giving their electoral support to candidates, the members of the Chamber of Employees will increase the strength of its convictions vis-à-vis the Luxembourg institutions and thus enable it to fully fulfil its role of promoting fair recognition and enhancement of their status.

Who to vote?

The Chamber of Employees is made up of 60 elected members, divided into several groups. You vote for the candidates in your socio-professional category.